Hulling Services
The Jensen Family has a sister company to Patterson Nut Company, Jensen Ranch Hulling, which provides hulling for their own ranches, as well as offers hulling services to walnut growers. Their walnut huller is located at 995 S. Jensen Road, Gustine, California on the original Jensen Home Ranch purchased in 1904.
While the first walnut huller was built over 50 years ago and was upgraded many times over the years, in 2015 construction was completed on a state of the art hulling facility. Jensen Ranch Hulling offers a full range of walnut hulling and drying services, as well as almond and bean drying. The huller has 460 tons of stadium drying capacity, along with over 100 tons of bin drying capability. Please call us for pricing and a tour of the huller.
Please call us for pricing and a tour of the huller.
(209) 892-3458